From time to time, questions may arise surrounding the ownership of a real estate title. For example, a will or trust may be improperly written, leaving ...
Why You Shouldn’t File a Quiet Title Alone in Arkansas
What if you’re interested in purchasing property, but its ownership is currently in dispute? What if you believe a currently occupied house or another plot of ...
What to Include in Your Arkansas Real Estate Sales Contract
An Arkansas real estate sales contract addresses legal issues related to the purchase of a property. Your contract should include an identification of the ...
What is a Durable Power of Attorney?
We make most medical, financial, and other legally binding decisions ourselves. Sometimes, we give powers of attorney to another individual so they can make ...
When Should I Quiet a Title in Arkansas?
The primary focus of a quiet title action is to establish ownership over a property. You may want to quiet a title in Arkansas when resolving issues and ...
How to Manage Contingencies in Your Real Estate Contract
Real estate contract contingencies give buyers and sellers peace of mind and reassurance when purchasing or selling a property. Without these specific clauses ...
How Does a Judge Decide Guardianship in Arkansas?
A judge decides guardianship in Arkansas by what they think is in the ward’s, or incapacitated person’s, best interests according to state law. They arrive at ...
What Happens If I Die Without A Will in Arkansas?
If you die without a will in Arkansas, laws say that you have died intestate. Without a will, judges must determine how to distribute your estate to your heirs ...
What is a Survivorship Period in Arkansas Inheritance Law?
Many wills and trusts include a survivorship period. A survivorship period stipulates that named beneficiaries cannot receive their inheritance unless they ...
What is Consensual Guardianship?
Consensual guardianship is a legal arrangement in which the individual transferring guardianship is mentally competent and wants to choose the guardian. The ...